Email [email protected] to place an order or inquire about pricing.

Please include your dealership name, shipping address, primary contact information, and include the quantity you would like to order.

Label Printer

Gainscha GA-2408T

Thermal Transfer Desktop Printer
1-Year Factory Warranty

Optional add-on:

3-Year Extended Warranty

Technical Specifications

Gainscha GI-2408T

Thermal Transfer Industrial Printer
1-Year Factory Warranty

Optional add-on:

3-Year Extended Warranty

Technical Specifications

Handheld Scanners

Urovo DT50
Mobile Touch Computer Scanner
1-Year Factory Warranty

Optional add-on:

3-Year Extended Warranty

5-Year Extended Warranty

Technical Specifications

Urovo P8100P 

Mobile Tablet Computer Scanner
1-Year Factory Warranty

Optional add-on:

3-Year Extended Warranty

5-Year Extended Warranty

Technical Specifications

Zebra TC26
Mobile Touch Computer Scanner

Optional add-on:

Zebra OneCare Essential 3-Year Service Plan

Technical Specifications