What's New

Dealership Cross Delivery

Dealers that are storing at the same warehouse can now share customer information and schedule customer in for storage at an associated dealer. When searching for a customer, users will now see a new column indicating the home dealer of the customer and will be able to schedule an appointment for service at an associated dealer.

Please contact TSS Support if your warehouse is interested in this new feature.


We've made improvements to other areas of the TSS system. Take a look at the new improvements in this release:

Overflow Dealers - Swap Warehouse

Dealers that store onsite and overflow to an offsite warehouse now have the option to swap storage warehouses via the appointment record ••• menu. User will also see the current directed warehouse in the Storage Activity modal four PUT orders.

Extended Storage Report – Additional Menu and Filter Options

We’ve made significant improvements to the Extended Storage Report inluding new appointment column will indicate when the set is scheduled for an appointment and can be clicked to edit or cancel. Additionally, each record now has a ••• menu with options allowing the user to schedule, edit, or cancel an appointment or to re-store the set to trigger an updated storage date. Lastly, a new filter has been added to include/exclude records with an appointment.

Analytics – Customer Vehicles with Tires in Storage

The Customer Vehicles with Tires in Storage widget will now include the tire location bin code in the export. This will allow storage personnel to verify the location of tires before any calls to customers are made.

Tire Stock Report – Tire Condition Export Column

Tire Stock Report exports will now include a column indicating the tire condition.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Protractor API time zone issue that was causing all appointments to appear in TSS in EST.
  • Fixed Tekion API date formatting issue that was creating invalid appointment dates.
  • Fixed customer profile issue where profiles with more than 50 vehicles were taking too long to load.
  • Fixed issue with Appointments page search results where Print Labels and Print Agreement options were not displayed in appointment record menu.
  • Fixed issue that was causing duplicate records to appear on Delivery/Pickup manifests.
  • Fixed issue that was causing high volume Tire Stock Reports to time out.