Appointment Dashboard Status, Locations, and Flags

The TSS portal now displays simplified appointment and order statuses and locations so you can see where your customers tires are at a glance. Click on a location or hover over the flags to get more information about the appointment. 

Appointment Views 

Click on the date to summon the calendar to select a different date and view that day’s appointments. Use the appointment view selector to view your appointment in a day, week, or month view.

Day View

The day view is your default view where you can see a list of your tire storage appointments for the day. Use the print or export button beside the view selector to export a list of appointments for the selected day.

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Week View

Apply the week view to see a snapshot of all your appointments for the week. Click on any of the appointments to summon the appointment popup for that customer. Click on any of date to see that days appointment in the day list view.

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Month View

Apply the month view to see a snapshot of all your appointments for the month. Click on any of the dates to see that days appointment in the day list view.

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Show Completed Appointments

By default the Appointment Dashboard displays all Open or In-Progress appointments. Once an appointment is completed or cancelled, it is drops off the screen. To view completed and/or cancelled appointments in any of the views, enable the Show Completed Appointments switch and all appointments – including cancelled and completed ones – for that day, week, or month can be viewed.

Search Appointments

To search for an appointment, simply enter your appointment search criteria in the search field and click search. You can search by customer name, DMS customer number, VIN, TSS appointment ID, DMS appointment ID and more. Enter the information and click the search button. This will return any appointments associated with the criteria entered.

Batch Actions and Breadcrumb Menu Options

Action multiple appointments or individual appointments using the Batch Actions or appointment record ••• breadcrumb menu.

Batch actions allow you to select multiple appointments and print tire labels, print tire storage agreements, cancel, or flag appointments as no shows.

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The ••• menu allows you to action each appointment individually. Options include Print Tire Labels, Print Agreement, Email Agreement, Edit Appointment, Flag as a No Show, Cancel Appointment.

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