Dealers configured with manual DMS upload for ADP (CDK) or Reynolds can export the TSS Appointments report from their reporting system and upload the report to TSS to transfer tire storage appointments. 

Contact TSS Support if you you would like assistance with setting up a CDK or Reynolds appointment report.  

PLEASE NOTE: CDK PIP, SERTI, PBS Certified, Quorum Certified, Tekion, Dealertrack, and Protractor are automatically integrated and do not require this process.

Upload Manual TSS Appointments Report from CDK or Reynolds

1.    Export the TSS Appointments report from your DMS report generator.

  1. Save the CSV file that was generated to the appropriate folder as per your DMS specific instructions.

2.    Navigate to Tools → DMS Upload

  1.   Click Choose a File and select the CSV file that was generated in step 1 (TSS Appt.csv).
  2.   Click the Upload button.

3.    The upload will take approximately 10-15 minutes to process.

  1.   To view processed files, click on the Date.
  2.   Created, Ignored, and Failed appointments will be viewable in the logs by clicking on the icons.
  3.   Click on the appointment record to view the status of the appointment.