What's New

Dealer Locations

Dealers now have the option to direct appointment orders to specific dealer locations. Do you have some tires that need to be dropped off in the quick-lane for installation and others that need to go to the shop? Now you can assign different dealer locations and direct tires to be dropped off to those specific areas for installation.

Please contact TSS Support if you would like to learn more and have this enabled for your dealer. 

Print Vehicle's Last Storage Location on Label

Due to popular request, we've now added the ability to include a vehicle's last storage location for a set of tires on the label. This allows users to easily decide where to store the customer's set of tires.

Please contact TSS Support if you would like to learn more and have this enabled for your dealer.


We've made other improvements to the TSS Web Portal and Mobile Pro app as well. Take a look at the other improvements in this release:

Mobile Pro Dealer Location Support

As per the new Dealer Locations feature, the TSS Mobile Pro app has been updated to support dealer locations codes. The dealer location code will be listed with the orders to the left of the customer's name. Users can also filter orders by a specific dealer location via the app User Preferences

DMS Setting - DMS Upload Date Threshold

Users can now easily see if a DMS Upload Date Threshold has been set for their dealer. When enabled, the number of days specified will limit the upload to appointments within that number of days only. When disabled, all appointments will transfer to TSS regardless of how far out the appointment date is.  

Dealer Login Selector Default Landing Page

Some users have access to multiple TSS dealer portals via the dealer login selector. Now, when using the dealer selector, the portal will land the user back onto their default landing page. The default landing page can be set in your User Settings via the portal by clicking on the profile icon and navigating to the Display tab.

CDK PIP Direct Integration Now Accepts Complaint Codes

Previously, the CDK PIP direct integration would only transfer appointments if tire storage codes were flagged as an "Opcode." Now, tire storage codes flagged as a "Complaint Code" will also transfer to TSS. 

Added Missing French Translation Labels

We've updated the portal to add some missing French translation labels.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with Appointment Cleanup that was not assigning the correct appointment status to In-Progress appointments that were cleaned up.  
  • Fixed issue that was causing users to not be able to save tire details via the Mobile Pro app.
  • Fixed issue that was causing some users created via the web portal to fail.
  • Fixed bug that was causing an All-Season tire type to be assigned to tire sets that were added via the vehicle ••• menu or appointment modal +Add Tire Set option. 
  • Fixed issue when emailing a Tire Storage Agreement where the user's email was overwriting the customer's email address.
  • Fixed issue on the Tires Initially Stored Report that was causing the Dealer field's Select All and Clear All functions to not work. 
  • Fixed bug that was causing appointment page search results to not be editable. 
  • Fixed Storage Activity filter to display the default date filter in the date field. 
  • Fixed bug with Storage Setup that was causing new staging areas that were created and assigned a unique code to be added as a Location instead of Staging. 
  • Fixed issue with tire audit where the confirm audit would fail if a destination storage bin was deleted.
  • Fixed bug when emailing the tire storage agreement where an error was thrown even if the customer had a valid email address.