Add a New User

Login credentials are required to access the TSS Web Portal and Mobile Apps.

1.    Log into the portal with Admin access.

2.    To add a new user, navigate to Admin → Manage Users.

  1. Click the +Add New button at the top right.

3.    In the Add User window enter the new user's username. 

  • We recommend using the first letter of the first name followed by the last name.
  • PLEASE NOTE: The username cannot be changed once created.

4.    Enter the email address, first name, and last name of the new user.

5.    Select the Access Level for the new user.

6.    Click Save to create the new user.

  • An email with login credentials and temporary password will be sent to the address provided.

What's the difference between User and Admin roles?

User - seasonal personnel that schedule appointments and perform simple storage activities such as Pick, Put, and Move.

Super User - permanent staff that can do advanced operations such a deleting customers/vehicles/tire sets, perform tire audits, tire set and vehicle transfers etc.

Admin - personnel that require advanced permissions including Reporting, DMS Settings, Service Levels, Tire Audit, Storage Location Management, Add Users, Reset Passwords, Deactivate Users.

Super Admin - personnel that require additional administrative access to Bypass and Revert storage orders, Move to Vehicle and Move to Location storage shortcuts.

Read-Only - personnel that require portal access but cannot add, delete, or modify any customer, vehicle, tire, or appointment information. (Only available for onsite and offsite dealers)