Login to the TSS Web Portal

Navigate to https://online.tirestoragesolutions.net and enter your username, password, and dealer ID.

Upload Appointments from DMS

1.    Export the TSS Appointments report from your DMS report generator.

  1. Save the CSV file that was generated to appropriate folder as per your DMS specific export/upload instructions.

2.    Navigate to ToolsDMS Upload

  1. Ensure the correct season is selected in the To Store field.
  2. Click Choose a File and select the CSV file that was generated in step 1 (TSS Appts.csv).
  3. Click on the Upload button.

3.   The upload will take approximately 10-15 minutes to process. 

  1.   To view processed files, click on the Date.
  2.   Created, Updated, Ignored, and Failed appointments will be viewable in the logs by clicking on the icons.
  3.   Click on the appointment record to view the status of the appointment.

PLEASE NOTE: CDK PIP, SERTI, PBS Certified, Quorum Certified, Protractor, and DIS are automatically integrated and do not require this process.

Book an Appointment

1.    To manually book an appointment in the TSS web portal, navigate to the Appointments menu.

  1. Select Add new (Top Right) and select Appointments.
  2. Input the name into the search field to find an existing TSS customer.
  3. Select the desired customer’s name or vehicle when it appears.
    • TIP: If the customer has an existing appointment it will be displayed in the Appointments section of the search. Click on the existing appointment and reschedule it rather than creating a second appointment.

2.    Enter the Appointment Information.

  1. Select the date and time.
  2. Enter the DMS appointment number, if available
  3. Enter the repair order number, if available.

3.    Enter the Vehicle Information.

  1. Select the customer’s vehicle.
  2. If the vehicle is not listed, click the Add Vehicle button to add a new one.
  3. If there are no associated tire sets, click the Add Tire Set button to add a new set.

4.    Enter the tire information

  1. Select a tire set to be retrieved from the drop-down list (if no tires are in storage, this option will not be available).
  2. Select a tire set to store from the drop-down list. (If no existing tire sets exist, click the Add Tire Set button).
  3. If the customer does not plan to re-store tires, click the button to deselect the 'Move Into Storage" option.
  4. You can choose to store or retrieve Inactive Tire Sets by pressing the down arrow next to either active tire set. Inactive sets will have a sleep icon beside them to indicate their inactivity.

5.    Click the Save button to book the appointment.

Edit or Cancel an Appointment

  1. To edit an existing appointment, click on the appointment time or click the ••• menu for the appointment and select the Edit Appointment option. 
  2. Once the edit appointment pop-up is summoned edit the details, and click the Save button.
  3. To cancel an existing appointment, click on the appointment record ••• menu and click the Cancel Appointment option.

TIP: If you want to cancel the appointment but want the appointment to re-upload from the DMS when it is rescheduled click the Flag as a No-Show option. This will also provide an insight on the Analytics page. 

Print Tire Appointment Labels

  1. Navigate to the Appointments page. 
  2. Click on the appointment's ••• menu then select the Print Tire Labels option. 
  3. This will generate a PDF with the selected labels in another window, which can then be printed.

PLEASE NOTE: This action with only generate labels for the tires going into storage - I.e. "Store" appointments.

  • If your labels do not appear, ensure your browser allows pop-ups for online.tirestoragesolutions.net.
  • When the printer dialog box appears, select the label printer (TSC TTP-247) and ensure paper size is set to 4x4.

Add a New Customer

  1. Navigate to the Customers page. 
  2. Click the Add Customer button.
  3. Complete the fields shown, including first name, last name, and the DMS customer ID number (if applicable).
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. A confirmation will be displayed: Success! Customer details have been saved.

Add a Vehicle

  1. Navigate to the customer’s profile page.
  2. Click the Add New button, and select Vehicle.
  3. Complete the fields shown, including year, make, model, and VIN number.
  4. Click the Save button.

Add a Tire Set

  1. Click the ••• breadcrumb menu button at the top of the Vehicle panel
  2. Select the Add Tire Set option.
  3. Complete the fields shown including type, brand, model, and size.
  4. Click the Save button.

Tip: You can update tire details later by clicking on the Edit Tire Details option in the ••• menu at the top of each tire set or by clicking on the set of tires.